Wednesday 15 February 2017

Staying Attractive With Your Dressing (GUYS)

Looking attractive begins with developing an everyday routine to maintain the health of your skin, hair, smile, and overall body, and radiate confidence through your posture and body language. 

Wear clean clothes that fit you well. 
As they say, the clothes make the man! You don't have to wear expensive items to be attractive, but your clothing can communicate a lot about you.

Always dress well. Yes, every single morning! Even when dressing casually for an ordinary day, don't just throw on whatever you have lying around. Select clothes that match and that suit what you'll be doing.


Develop friendship with a good fashion designerthis is important when you want to buy clothes or sew new clothes. You probably can't tell what looks good on you, what celebrities have modeled to become the in-thing, may not be a good fit for you. But, because the primary focus of a good fashion designer is clothes and how best it can be used, he will guide you to make a perfect choice.

Wear clothes that fit well. It’s not the amount of clothes that gives the fitting every guy aspires, less expensive clothes that fit look much better than expensive clothes that don't!
Don't try to hide your body. Whether you're embarrassed about being too large or too skinny, trying to cover it up with baggy clothing only makes you look worse.

Get rid of old clothes. You might love that old T-shirt from college, but it probably doesn't fit well anymore. Clothes and your body change size and shape over time. Even if they still fit, clothes that are more than two or three years old are probably starting to look tired or out of fashion.

Figure out which colors look good on you. The right color will make your skin look awesome, while the wrong one can make it look washed out and sallow.

Stock your wardrobe with timeless basics. These pieces shouldn't fall out of style too quickly, and they should be made of quality materials that will last a few years. Pick up items such as black native casual, black native senator wears, shirts these will remain timeless in Nigeria but we have a few fashion designers in Nigeria who can make native casual or native senator wears with perfect fit and finishing. Check the likes of Mudi Africa, Dr. Legendclothing Yomi Casuals and a few others. You'll always be able to put together a presentable outfit from these places.

Do laundry regularly. Some items of clothing can stand to go through several wears before they're dirty such as suits, jackets or pants, but shirts, underwear, and socks can only stand one wear before they need to be washed. Set up a regular schedule for doing laundry so that you don't spend the morning scrambling for something clean.

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