Wednesday 8 February 2017

Runway Fashion Can Be Hilarious

Are fashion shows actually meant to represent clothes people wear? Or is it more about what this designer can do, and challenging the status quo, etc., things like that? Because so many items are so unpractical and actually quite ugly and ridiculous in real life

 Wow! Can this fashion designer claim that the devil made him do this? I couldn't look at this twice. I wonder how many Nigerian fashion designers can make something like for fashion runway.

I often see pictures from runway shows where the garments look uncomfortable, impractical, and horrendously ugly, and this is just one of them.
 No way! hmmmmm at least no one will ask if she brought bodyguard, because sure she did. Whats this cage doing behind the supposed wedding gown. i wonder the kind of suit the groom will have to wear after seeing this.

 Oh I see, such a befitting suit for the groom. Really? what is this fashion designer thinking?

I just don't have words to describe this masquerade of a hard-work. Fashion designers can be cruel sometimes. What is this person thinking?

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