Friday 28 April 2017

Fashion Is Interactive

What are you wearing right now? What does it say and how does it make you feel? Does it make you feel good? Empowered? Do you feel ready for any challenge?  Or do you feel hidden, less confident and not so sure about meeting someone for the first timer?

We often make snap judgments about people from the clothes they wear. How is it that certain clothes give us more confidence, so
much confidence that we find ourselves performing better when wearing them? This goes to say there is much more to our clothing choices than we might imagine.

The way you present yourself can have a profound effect on the way you act. A little effort put into your clothing can make you think a certain way and doing something different with your clothes might be a way of changing the impression others have of you.

Take for instance, how you feel when you wear something new and how it affects your mood positively.

Taking the extra few minutes in the morning to look your best, even if you’re not leaving the house changes your path to productivity.  Dressing to impress, whether it’s to impress others or just yourself, no matter the occasion is, reflects your inner drive, your self-worth and character. When you look good, you feel good and perform well. 

Looking good is innovative

Tuesday 25 April 2017


Celebrities shape fashion and influence fashion trends. Famous people have always shaped fashion trends throughout history and this is still true today. 

Fashion is just wearing what is considered popular or chic. Certain things are considered chic or popular because famous people or celebrities are usually seen wearing these things. So, celebrities not only influence fashion. I would say that they create fashion too. Celebrities are often our inspiration for what to wear.

Social media and television play a huge role in how celebrities influence the youth. Television plays a really big role in the way that celebrities can influence fashion trends.

The average young person spends several hours a day watching television. It is obvious that if people spend long hours watching television or be active on any social media platform, it will start to affect
how they think and what they do. This sometimes, can actually be subconscious.

Celebrities may not realize their influence but their trend setting power is huge among shoppers
Celebrities set the fashion trends. They always have, and fashion trends are catching on faster than in older generations due to the rise of social media.

Young people always want to know more and see more. Beauty secrets revealed by celebrities are a big deal. Celebrity style influence is undoubtedly powerful for today’s youth.

Fashion is art, and art should be admired and shared with the world.

Monday 24 April 2017

Celebrity Impacts on Fashion

Celebrities are everywhere; they are almost an unavoidable part of our life while growing up.
Starting at a young age, we look up to celebrities for many different reasons. For girls, it is usually for the beauty and extravagant style that famous women have.
For boys, it is usually the muscles and keen fashion sense of famous men that they aspire to have.

Celebrities greatly influence fashion choices of the youth because celebrities represent ideal beauty. Style is always changing and young people strive to keep up with the latest fashion trends, they want to look their best, so they look to celebrities in order to achieve that.

Celebrities are trend setters. One example is Uti Nwachukwu, the winner of BigBrother Allstars. He may not necessarily be the greatest inspiration for our youth. His fashion sense is spunky and fun, so I think that is why he appeals to young men.

Award shows like the AMVCA also inspire fashion. After these types of show, magazines and celebrity bloggers typically cover who was the “best dressed” and who was the “worst dressed.” And people pick up style they admire.

Most widespread clothing trends are first seen when celebrities wear them. Example
is nativewear called senator or south-south that former president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan made popular. Every Nigerian man has at least one it in his wardrobe.  

Friday 21 April 2017


Social media has become a part of our globally connected world in multiple ways, and most recently the fashion industry is seeing a major shift in its inspiration for designs and trends, all thanks to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.


Fashion houses now use social media to engage with their fans, but it's in a very controlled way. Social media can also influence fashion designers in unique ways that are changing the way many fashion designers create their fashions.

Another major shift that social media has had is simply that the average person can now influence fashion in ways never before possible.

The naturally interactive qualities of social media also make social media an effective tool, allowing people to be a part of the process of fashion making.

Yet not all the big fashion houses have embraced social media due to concerns over the potential loss of control over their brand image.

So the point is, with social media it’s a brave new world for the fashion industry and retailers

Friday 7 April 2017

How Social Media Has Transformed The Fashion Industry

Social media has totally changed the face of fashion today and the way we shop. The beauty of social sharing sites is that you can be inspired by such a wide range of people, from your friends, bloggers, celebrities and family.

As social media has made fashion and style more accessible than
ever, it drives how we shop and what we wear. 
Fashion news often breaks exclusively via Facebook, twitter, blogs and instagram. This boost of social influence is inspiring people to explore their own personal style and create their own unique looks to share and receive likes and great comments. 

On social media everyone is unique and individual looks are celebrated and shared. Social media platforms enable us to express ourselves freely and showcase our personal style.

Social media has gained relevance that it’s now the number of followers on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter, rather than your experience necessarily, that can secure you a top job.

Any fashion designer can gain audience and even attain relevance with building a social media presence. It’s obvious that, any fashion designer that doesn't have social media behavior is heading towards oblivion state. 

No matter how good the fashion designer may be, he will soon disappear in the industry. The future is in social media. 

Thursday 6 April 2017

This is Why Clothing Fits Celebrities; Tailoring

For the last few decades, we have been trying to make our bodies fit the clothes when, in reality, we should be making the clothes fit our bodies.

The gentleman who is careful about clothing and style should also be in control of what looks good on him and his body’s proportions. 
However, nowadays a well-dressed man with a self-assured confidence is often rare. What is in store today for men’s clothing can only fit a small percentage of average sizes which means not a lot to choose from.

Tailored clothing is the way to go if you wish to obtain a perfectly fitted suit, nativewear or anything clothing. Tailoring is a simple way to make clothes way more flattering. Getting your go-to pieces tailored can make a world of difference. 

A good tailor knows exactly how to fit everything from suit, shirts to nativewears exactly to your frame.
Most men typicality wear over sized clothes, not understanding the essential elements of a good fit or compromising fit for style. 

Learn to shop less, invest in pieces you really love, and cough up the extra cash to get them tailored specifically for you

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Fashion Sense Drives Business Success

Whether you like it or not, your clothing communicates — and it can have a serious effect on your ability to achieve success.
Fair or not, people judge us by the way we look and that includes the way we dress.  Especially in the workplace, clothing significantly influences how others perceive you and how they respond toward you.
Research shows that your appearance strongly influences other people's perception of your financial success, authority, trustworthiness, intelligence, and suitability for hire or promotion.
Here Are Tips To Keep A Sane Fashion Sense.
Don't show too much skin. That means no mini-skirts.
Never wear dirty clothes. This seems obvious  but plenty of people think they can get away with wearing that dirty shirt just one more time before washing it. 
Don't wear wrinkled clothing. Heard of an iron? Use it. 
Wear clothes that fit you well. Tailoring is a simple way to make clothes way more flattering. Tailor your clothes
Wear appropriate shoes and accessories. Don't wear jewelry that is too loud or obnoxious. Wear comfortable shoes that are appropriate for work. 
Wear moderate makeup. If you wear makeup, don't overdo it! 

Fashion and Social Media

Celebrities shape fashion and influence  fashion trends . Famous people have always shaped fashion trends throughout history and this is st...