Wednesday 18 October 2017

Fashion and Social Media

Celebrities shape fashion and influence fashion trends. Famous people have always shaped fashion trends throughout history and this is still true today. 

Fashion is just wearing what is considered popular or chic. Certain things are considered chic or popular because famous people or celebrities are usually seen wearing these things. So, celebrities not only influence fashion. I would say that they create fashion too. Celebrities are often our inspiration for what to wear.

Social media and television play a huge role in how celebrities influence the youth. Television plays a really big role in the way that celebrities can influence fashion trends.

The average young person spends several hours a day watching television. It is obvious that if people spend long hours watching television or be active on any social media platform, it will start to affect

how they think and what they do. This sometimes, can actually be subconscious. 

Celebrities may not realize their influence but their trend setting power is huge among shoppers
Celebrities set the fashion trends. They always have, and fashion trends are catching on faster than in older generations due to the rise of social media. 

Young people always want to know more and see more. Beauty secrets revealed by celebrities are a big deal. Celebrity style influence is undoubtedly powerful for today’s youth.

Fashion is art, and art should be admired and shared with the world.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Consider these 5 things Before You Decides on Color

Colors are difficult to coordinate

There is nothing more limiting than a wardrobe of separates that are all different colors. Ground your wardrobe in flattering neutrals so that the colors can easily be added as accents.

Color gimmicks are exactly just that.
It’s not about what “color season” you are, it’s about the texture, tone and how the color looks on you as a whole. How does it look on you that day?

Color dates itself.
Every year comes with a color-tone of the year to grace things in market and motivates people to buy new things. But want happens the next year? This circle is repeated and before you know it, you’ll be wearing the color of 2003 in 2017 and looking out of touch and irrelevant.
Classic colors like black, navy, white, gray or red as an accent always look modern. Always stay in the now, look rich and look relevant.

Combine high and low.
When you do invest in key wardrobe pieces be certain that they will last from a color standpoint.

Color tells a visual story.

When you want to look classical and successful you need to stay away from colors that say the wrong thing. Present yourself in a language that looks global, modern and relevant. 

Friday 4 August 2017

What Colors Complement Each Other

What color should I wear is a question that comes to most fashion/style expert. Color is one of their biggest roadblocks when it comes to creating a chic and professional image.

Here’s the truth about color and style if you want to look professional, chic, rich, and relevant: wear classic neutral colors!

Have you ever looked at professional, rich, relevant or classic men? They build a wardrobe around black or navy. 
Have you ever looked in high-end fashion houses like DL Republic, DLC clothing or Dr.Legendclothing (just Google them to see), you will see plenty of black, navy or white.

Keep in mind that it is not about the price tag but about the elegance that the color conveys. Stay away from murky off colors that only suck up your presence.

By all means do add color to your wardrobe, but think of color as an accent rather than a mainstay of your wardrobe.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Fashionistas Spot

Still on rule breaking… Yeh! Happy to disobey your fashion command. Fashion is supposed to be fun, refreshing and expressive, not a bunch of commandment. We are going to play around some rules or rather customize some rules to our benefit.

Fashion rules are meant to be followed and taken seriously
As you can see, they’re not. Wear what makes you feel awesome!

Sneakers are only for the gym
Who did set this rule? Well, recently this rule has been proven wrong.  The right pair of sneakers can take you way beyond the gym. When rocked with great fit and styled with dressier pieces, sneakers can add a modern twist to just any clothing.

 You should always match your shoes, bag, and belt
Don’t those types of fashion rules feel wildly out of date these days? Its total a non-issue in this day and age. In fact, matching all your accessories perfectly can make you look out-dated and patronal, whereas mixing things up looks fresh and modern, and adds interest to an outfit.

Only wear one bold color at a time
If we've learned anything from the recent color-blocking phenom, it’s that a bold saturated hue can look even better when paired with another bold saturated hue.  Try a bold color with another bold or even bolder and I bet, you’ll look super-modern and striking.

Brown and black don’t mix
This has long been a fashion rule that’s made to be broken, as black and brown actually go together quite well.

High-waist pants are always unflattering
High-waist bottoms get a bad rap but when worn correctly, they can trick the eye into thinking you’re taller and leaner by elongating your lower body.

Thursday 29 June 2017

Fashion Rules Are Set for Men and Not Men for the Rule

Perhaps this year you’re looking to improve the way you dress? You've noticed over the last couple of years that the number of style conscious men has risen significantly and yeah! It’s called progression. When you first start out in men’s fashion and style, it can all be a bit too much to take in. Men’s fashion has seriously caught up with its female counterpart in the last decade.
How do you start?
Begin by understanding the fashion acceptable rules, embrace it, and then think of how to tweak around it. After all, men set rules, not rules set men.

Break the Rules

Red and pink Don’t go for men
Somewhere along the way, these two shades got a ‘No’ from the guys, but when paired purposefully; they can actually look quite modern and eye-catching. This is a great rule to tweak around. Keep the red true, and add any shade of pink.

Navy and black don’t go together
It’s time we break this rule.  Navy and black look super-chic together. Try pairing this combo, you will be amazed at what you have been missing.  It’s a rule worth breaking.

Mixed prints are too busy
False! Actually, mixed prints can look extremely fresh, and elevate your look from ordinary to street-style ready.

Horizontal stripes make you look larger

Horizontal lines making you look wider is a pretty cliché “rule.” Pieces that are made well and fit well flatters every man.

Thursday 15 June 2017

Breaking Fashion Trends Rule

You Want To Break Fashion Trends Rule?

Do This...

Do the opposite of what's in style. An easy way to tell when a trend has gone stale is how ubiquitous it becomes. If you start to see a style that was once quirky and unique become mass-marketed, it's safe to say it's no longer trendy.
Now, this is your time crack up those trends. People will think its uncool, but hey! Who decides what’s cool?

Established yourself as a popular, fashion-conscious person, you may find yourself starting trends without realizing it. Just wear whatever you want and think looks nice. Your peers are likely to adopt aspects of your personal style to be more like you. If enough people follow suit, a new trend is born.

One popular strategy among fashionistas is to be a contrarian. Look at whatever trends are hot in the mainstream and craft a look around something completely different. More people will notice your look and are more likely to think of you as a fashion trendsetter instead of a follower.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Difference between fashion trend setter and fashion follower

When it comes to style there are two types of people; The Trend setter and the Fashion Follower. 

Following trends can have strategic value, but setting the trend can be even more beneficial. 

Fashion trend setters are fashion crazies and freaks while fashion followers just love fashion.

Trendsetters are creative fashion lovers while followers are fashion copycats.

Trendsetters take time to discover their style while followers don’t know their style.

Trendsetters surround themselves with creative people who will help them unleash their potential while followers just wait for the trend to slay.

Fashion trendsetters set the dos and don’ts of fashion; they don’t conform to any fashion rules. They set the rules while fashion followers follow the rules set by trendsetter.

Trendsetters take time to experiment clothes, then put fashion pieces together  while fashion followers doesn't have time for experimenting.

Trendsetters are always the attention of others, they always look perfectly put together, while followers are everybody’s lookalike.

Trendsetters strive for originality while remaining trendy and classy without looking crazy and ridiculous but followers doesn't care about originality.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Think of Your Wardrobe Budget — How much time and money do I need?

Ideally a man should build his wardrobe a few pieces at a time over a decade. In tune with his clothing needs, he should be on the lookout for missing pieces to add. 

Slowly integrating these findings into his closet, he will be ready at a moment’s notice for whatever event is thrown his way.

Remember that purchasing quality is an investment; purchasing quantity on the other hand is an expense. It’s better to own a few well-made and well-tailored clothing that you wear often than a full wardrobe of cheap & poorly-fitted clothing that, well, looks cheap and poorly-fitted.

Friday 9 June 2017

A Man’s Wardrobe

This article is a continuation of the wardrobe series we started last week. Yeah, before spending a dime, go through your current clothing and set aside everything that you have not worn for a year or two.

Clothes that are noticeably stained, and clothes that fits so poorly not even a master tailor can adjust it to fit. 

Get people involved in your decision. The goal here is to create a network of supporters and audience which puts pressure on you to fulfill your promise.

You have to understand why you need professional clothing in your wardrobe.  Understand the style basics and your specific needs.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

How to Spot New Fashion Trends

Keep current with pop. Global trendsetters tend to be musicians, actors, and other celebrities. They often bring existing subcultural trends to the mainstream or kick start crazes based simply on their personal tastes. Regardless, they tend to be a good barometer when you're trying to spot a trend. Pay close attention to what they wear.

Keep current with fashion magazines. They are also a great way to know what is trending and take inspiration from.

Keep current with social media. Social media has become an extremely important tool for trend
setters as a way to both track and disseminate information. Follow users who are popular and are in line with your own sensibilities.

Keep current with hip locations where trends tend to start. Locations known to be fashion craze or fashion freaks.  If you already live in a fashion-forward city, go to restaurants, shops, clubs, and neighborhoods that you know to be trendy.
If you notice multiple people sporting a style you haven't seen before, it's probably the sign of a new trend.

Keep current with the fashion cycle. Remember that looks come back in style over the years. Don't get rid of any quality clothing or accessories just because a trend has passed. Instead, save these items for when that look is back in vogue. That way, you'll have a partial wardrobe ready to go for next time.

Note: If you see a celebrity sporting a unique look that you love or notice people sport a style you haven’t seen before, borrow it. Don't copy the outfit exactly, but take inspiration from it.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Our appearance speaks louder than our words…..

Every day we pass by hundreds of people on the streets, never saying a word.  Yet despite the lack of verbal communication, unconsciously decisions are being made as to the trustworthiness and intentions of those around you. It may not sound fair and yeah right it’s not. But, you know what? Life is not fair.

We want to be given time to state our stand, who we are and show our integrity but we often do not get that, rather its first our physical appearance.

There are many things that we can’t control — the weather, the economy, our birth, our siblings or parents, but we sure can control some. Like our choice of food, the grade we finish with from school, the choice of clothes we wear and how we choose to present ourselves to strangers and new acquaintances. 

Dress like a thug and people treat you like one; dress like a professional and you’ll have doors opened for you.

First impressions are powerful because until we begin to speak, they are the only bits of information we have to make a snap decision as to whether we like or trust someone.
Ignore your wardrobe at your own risk.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Men and Their Wardrobe Need

Most men always take a sober time to reflect on life and plans but they fail to turn around and look back at their wardrobe. The wardrobe needs of men are often neglected, especially when they assume
they are no longer boys.
We've rounded up a few of the most important wardrobe needs of men...

A 3 Piece suit that is well tailored and perfect fits: There are no more excuses anymore. You're an adult now. You need at least one tailored suit or two with perfect fit, preferably black and navy or black and gray.
Really, you should have both by now. What have you been doing all this time?

A nice blazer: A nice blazer will make sure that you don't overwhelm the room with a full suit when the occasion doesn't call for it. But it can also separate you from the crowd a bit.

Wristwatch: Even if you're not a watch guy, you should realize the importance of wearing a watch on some occasions. Drop a few thousands to get a timepiece that you can call your own.

A durable leather belt: Instead of going through belts every year like usual, invest in an expensive one that you can wear for years.

The perfect T-shirt: The perfect T-shirt is not a myth. You just have to find it. Probably get a good tailor, a Nigerian tailor or fashion designer if you are Nigerian base to sew to your measurement.

There is no better feeling than to wear a perfect fit shirt or best fit for any type of clothing

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Becoming A Fashion Trend Setter

Trends are powerful demonstration of how social influence motivates people. People follow trends out of a desire to fit in. Trends are typically started by celebrities and superstars because on some level people think looking more like them will give them some of that prestige.

If you have a penchant for looking great and want to be ahead of the curve, you may want to become a trendsetter. Just how easy it is to be a fashion trend setter as a fashion designer!

Make a lot of friends. It will be easier to set trends if you have many friends who are popular and well-liked in their own right. This gives you more social capital and influence on the rest of your peer group.
Don't make friends with popular people just to be a trendsetter. Make sure your friendships are genuine.

Be charismatic. If you are confident and fun to be around, people will want to be more like you.
When people want to be more like you, it becomes easy for people to want to copy your every move, including your clothing.
Avoid being overly serious. This doesn't mean you have to the society clown. 

Be genuinely interested in People. Being kind and compassionate will go a long way. Express genuine interest in others. Doing this will make others feel good about themselves and they will attribute these good feelings to your presence.

Once you're known as a likeable person, others will want to be more like you. Without even noticing it, they may adopt some of your style.  In other words, they will follow the trends that you set.

Get noticed. You won't be able to set a trend if other people don't see and follow it. Start by trying to be more "seen." Make people notice you and cultivate a presence. Learn how to be the center of attention

If you want to start fashion trends, try to dress well in general. While positive attention is great, don't be too loud or obnoxious. Make your outgoing personality seem effortless.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Fashion Sketch Book

Fashion Journal is one a great way of sharing your style and thoughts on fashion.  It is always a great idea to have a journal of your own which can act as a means to show your creativity and your interest in fashion.

In my thought, I would advise every fashion designer to have and keep fashion sketch book where they can make sketches quickly when ideas comes to mind. Fashion journal can be regarded as part of your fashion portfolio.  

Fashion journal is a documentation of thinking process of the fashion designer.  It demonstrates quick
drawing skills, color, fabrics sensitivity etc.

If you aspire to become a great fashion designer in future, you will need to start now to keep a fashion sketch book or fashion journal, because any great fashion designer is expected to be a fashion trend setter. 

Fashion trendsetters are people who can spot new trends early on and spread these fads to new locations and social groups. Sometimes they even create their own fashion trends for others to adopt. 

Fashion trends are the most common type people follow. And, a simple act of keeping a fashion sketch book or fashion journal can go a long way to setting you up as a fashion trendsetter. If you have a penchant for looking great and want to be ahead of the curve in fashion, you need your own fashion journal because inspiration comes anywhere and at any time.  

Saturday 20 May 2017

Nigerian Tailored Suit for Perfect Fit

As far as I’m concerned, there are far too many guys walking around in suits that don’t fit them and there’s no excuse for it.  I attend wedding occasions and I see men-on-suit, men-in-suit, men-by-suit, men-at-suit and so on. Hahahahaha! It’s funny though, but these names were coined according the fit of the suit on the men.
Ill fit can make a very expensive suit look tardy and trashy. I have also observed that
suit made in Nigeria are relatively less expensive to foreign suit or off-the-rack suit collection, the only different is that you will have to have a little patience to have your suit specifically sewn to your measurement.
Tailoring can make a relatively inexpensive suit look expensive, so for the guys out there who think that looking good in a suit is out of their price range – you’re wrong.
Off the track suit is already made with a client in mind, necessarily not you but when you meet Nigerian tailor or Nigerian fashion designer, they measure and sew to your specific, at the end of it, the jacket will fit you in the shoulder, it will hug your shoulders and encourage you to hold yourself upright.
Furthermore, the trousers fit you in the thigh rather than at the waist.
To help demonstrate what tailoring can do for a suit, my fashion designer at Dr.Legendclothing on 25, Fadunsi Street, Ogba Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria offered us to come and try on a few suits, and then get one tailored to our needs.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Nigerian Tailored Suit for Men

Personally, I think a man will look better than he does when he wears a suit. It can be worn at a variety of occasions and locations without ever looking out of place, all the while enabling the individual to look and feel truly stylish.
Hence, off-the-track suit that we call foreign suit or ready-made suit in Nigeria, will never be best fit even when it’s altered by a tailor to your specification. . Be it high street or a fashion designer, suits are all cut from a precise block in order to fit the specific sort of clientèle the brand is after and unless you are that client, which is very slim that you are, then forget about fit or perfect fit.
Of course, you don’t need me to reiterate the perfect fit factor to you. You already know that the most expensive and best quality clothing will mean nothing without a perfect a fit.  A good fit should always be your first priority when purchasing new clothing.

One way you can guarantee that a suit will fit you is if its tailored to your specification. And you can only get that when you have a good Nigerian tailor or Nigerian fashion designer sew to your measurement. That is if you are a resident of Nigeria. To be continued…

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Men Style Rules

1.  Care about your appearance.

2.  Have understanding of the menswear that came before you.

3.  Know that sometimes you’ll be the best-dressed man in the room.

4.  Realize that “rules” are there for a reason, even if they can sometimes be broken. And be sure of your own reason for breaking any of the rules.

5.  A good fit should always be your first priority when purchasing new clothing.

6.  Avoid temporary fashion trends and fluctuations of fashion

7.  Treat your clothing like an investment, and shop slowly but smart.

8.  Make excuses to wear the good stuff, instead of letting it get dusty in the closet.

9. Dress appropriately, whether that means dressing up or dressing down.

10. Expand your wardrobe with clothes that work together, not standalone pieces.

Monday 15 May 2017

Understanding Men And Clothing

The average guy doesn't  have a lot of ready-made excuses to wear a suit and tie. I get that. But looking good doesn't mean suit and tie all the time. It means cultivating the habit of wearing your best clothes as a matter of routine.

There is nothing like “Sunday best” Practice wearing your best and teach yourself that they’re just clothes and you wear them because they look good on you. 

Different situations and occasions call for different clothes.  It’s a good thing to always consider your wear, will have to be ignored or accepted.
environment while dressing up. A good dresser does that. It’s disappointing that most men don’t do this. There is just something that makes most feel it’s a man’s world, so anything they

I regret to announce to you that the fashion world doesn't think in your direction. Yeeh! Disappointing right? Sorry!

Environment to consider in dressing are physical and social environment.
Physically, you want to be comfortable or you should be comfortable.
Socially, you want to look respectable and you should look respectable at all times, without inviting trouble. 

Make the effort to fit in while looking sharp.
If you’re always wearing the same basic outfit, rethink your strategy.  
It will be best to stay away from anything that’s completely single-purpose, with one or two unavoidable exceptions like suits.

This way you can mix and match to get more mileage out of individual pieces.

This is very easy to achieve if you stick to simple, solid colors for most of your base pieces. There’s nothing wrong with a little pattern and texture here and there, but if you make sure that most of your big items aren't overwhelming on their own, you’re free to liven them up with smaller accents when you want to make the look unique.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Creating Your Personal Style

Start your personal style journey every day by giving a damn about who you are and what you represent. If you don’t care how you look, you’re never going to look good. Attitude is everything, in style and in life.

It all starts here. Dress everyday like you care, of course you care if you are reading this article. Let it show as your dress up every day that you care about how you look. This is how...

Be ready to Explore

Don’t be scared to be the best-dressed guy in the room. As long as you don’t take all the attention from the celebrant of the occasion.
Though you could feel overdressed initially because it’s a habit you are just forming. It’s not a bad thing.  Learn to embrace it. Trust me, people will start treating you differently and it will all yield to positive reception by people. Our clothing does that. It opens doors for you; people start respecting you and trusting you more. Be ready to explore from the trend you were to an adventurous you.

Understand Clothing Fit

Fit is everything, probably the most important in style. If you don’t have the right fit, everything else
is wasted effort.
A good fit should flatter your body. Take the time to get to know your body, get a tailor or a fashion designer help you get accurate measurements.

Buy Clothing That Will Be Style Ageless

Focus on a “timeless style,” while creating your personal style

Always buy pieces that are both classic and associated specifically with men: suits, blazers, sports jackets, and trousers, both dress and casual. Buy the best quality you can afford and practice wearing your best.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Dress to Impress Her

Do you ever go out and feel a bit… underdressed? It’s not that you think you should have worn a suit and tie. It’s just that you think there’s something missing. You want to dress better, you want to impress, whether you’re running errands, making the town or heading out for a first date. The good news is that dressing to impress is probably a lot simpler than you’re making it out to be.
This is how...

Get Groomed...!

It doesn't matter what the occasion is, grooming is important. You should be seeing your barber at least fortnightly. Showers are a must every day. Also keep your facial hair groomed, whether that’s a
close shave or just trimming the mountain man beard before you head out for the night.
Your grooming and personal hygiene are essential parts of your overall image.

A Word on Scent...!

We consider your scent as much a part of your outfit as your pants or shirt. You should pick a scent that’s distinctive, look for good cologne that you think matches your personality and the image that you want to impart on people. Don’t use too much, though.

Suit Up...!
Suit up! Invest in a good, expensive suit, and keep it clean and essentially ready-to-go at all times. Standard black is usually your best bet, for day as well as the evenings.

Thursday 4 May 2017

6 Reasons Why Your Clothing Matters

1. People judge others based on their physical appearance. Think about it, how someone chooses to dress is usually one of the first things you notice about them.

2. Your appearance is one of the most basic things that you can change about yourself. If you look professional, well-dressed, or dressed according to the occasion, you’ll come across as someone who’s well-groomed, is capable of doing a job, professional enough to understand what is necessary for success, and has a good personality as well.

3. In order to leave a lasting impression on someone, you need to dress appropriately and according to the occasion. A good suit, ironed trousers and a shirt, polished shoes and a good watch will go a long way when it comes to making an impression on others.

4. A well-dressed person tends to stand-out. You immediately gain an edge over the others.

5. Your clothing shows that you are prepared, and did your homework.

6. There’s a ‘feel good’ factor associated with dressing well. Dressing professionally can make you feel better about yourself. It gives you more confidence 

Wednesday 3 May 2017

How to Get Your Crush Crushing For You

Gone are those days when people say fashion is a girl’s thing. Well, even if it’s true, it means a guy needs to be fashionable to get a girl’s attention. Hence, beyond knowing something about color, fabrics and style, when it comes to impressing girls, the most important is confidence. Confidence is fashionable. 

To understand how to impress women with your clothing you must consider five things: Color, Cut, Context, Confidence and Cleanliness.
These are the cornerstones of male fashion. Note that cost does not factor into this list. Cost does not mean class. 
Now let's address color.
Know that different colors send different subconscious and conscious messages to women. Consider carefully primary red or blue clothing. Two basic colors that send different messages
Consider other colors such as pink and green. Pink is viewed as a light-hearted, fun loving, confident and sweet color on men and women, so don't discount it just because you heard when you were a child "Pink is a girl's color."
Understand that cut is even more important than color! There are certain connotations that go along with the way your clothes fit you, not to mention, it can determine whether or not you look attractive
Avoid 'over-sized' shirts. 
 There is nothing tackier than an inappropriate outfit. Wear what suit every occasion. Don’t try showing off your talent by dressing out of context.
Know when to dress casual, When to dress semi-casual,  Learn to wear semi-formal attire appropriately and when to go formal.
This factor can never be over emphasized. Wear confidence as clothes. It appeals to every woman. It makes women feel secured around you. Confidence is the most impressive quality known to man (and woman).

Cleanliness is the last point to touch on. This is not only a matter of impressions. It is also a matter of basic hygiene.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Be Fashionable Stay Fashionable Look Fashionable.

Being fashionable in any situation takes more than just putting on the right clothes, making sure your hair is in order and making your face look fresh. Every part of your outfit, including your nails and shoes, are important details. When your nails and shoes are tardy, it shows you as having lazy tendencies and are not putting your appearance in the forefront.

Looking fashionable has the potential to advance your career. An interviewer will know, within 10- seconds, if you could be the right person for the job. This opinion comes from your overall look

Improper attire and imperfect grooming leads to rejections while searching for a new position. Your credentials are important, but when you look the part, you are more likely to get the part.

You can still stay fashionable even when you need versatility in your wardrobe but your wallet is discouraging. Use a couple wardrobe tricks to minimize your spending. Your wardrobe should fit your lifestyle and have inclusions for every aspect of your life from shirts, pants, suits, to casual native wears and native senator wears

Monday 1 May 2017

Good Design Is Innovative, Great Design Inspires

Some days you just don’t feel like spending an hour or more at the mirror or take your time to find the right outfit. I understand. Some days are potentially like that. This is why I advise that you go for the exclusive designs when you are shopping, meeting with your fashion designer or at your tailor’s. When your wardrobe is filled with simple but classy designs, be it casual tops, etibo, nativewear, shirts, agbada or suit. You will always be at your best no matter the time you spend dressing.

Always be prepared for the unexpected when you leave the house. You could run into an old flame, or meet someone new, always look your best. Make sure your outfit is complete and that you have a neat appearance.

A potential employer or talent scout may be out looking for a specific look. You could be approached by a potential employer anywhere,  or be offered an interview. 
Even if you are not in business attire, displaying confidence through a completed outfit and overall look shows others that you can be trusted.

When you have your look for the day together, you will feel better about yourself. A boost of self-confidence on a day when you are feeling less makes a great impression. It shows that you understand the importance of always looking your best and making an impression no matter where you are.

A lifted spirit does wonders for accomplishing goals. You have confidence and a will to succeed no matter what the day has to throw at you.

Friday 28 April 2017

Fashion Is Interactive

What are you wearing right now? What does it say and how does it make you feel? Does it make you feel good? Empowered? Do you feel ready for any challenge?  Or do you feel hidden, less confident and not so sure about meeting someone for the first timer?

We often make snap judgments about people from the clothes they wear. How is it that certain clothes give us more confidence, so
much confidence that we find ourselves performing better when wearing them? This goes to say there is much more to our clothing choices than we might imagine.

The way you present yourself can have a profound effect on the way you act. A little effort put into your clothing can make you think a certain way and doing something different with your clothes might be a way of changing the impression others have of you.

Take for instance, how you feel when you wear something new and how it affects your mood positively.

Taking the extra few minutes in the morning to look your best, even if you’re not leaving the house changes your path to productivity.  Dressing to impress, whether it’s to impress others or just yourself, no matter the occasion is, reflects your inner drive, your self-worth and character. When you look good, you feel good and perform well. 

Looking good is innovative

Tuesday 25 April 2017


Celebrities shape fashion and influence fashion trends. Famous people have always shaped fashion trends throughout history and this is still true today. 

Fashion is just wearing what is considered popular or chic. Certain things are considered chic or popular because famous people or celebrities are usually seen wearing these things. So, celebrities not only influence fashion. I would say that they create fashion too. Celebrities are often our inspiration for what to wear.

Social media and television play a huge role in how celebrities influence the youth. Television plays a really big role in the way that celebrities can influence fashion trends.

The average young person spends several hours a day watching television. It is obvious that if people spend long hours watching television or be active on any social media platform, it will start to affect
how they think and what they do. This sometimes, can actually be subconscious.

Celebrities may not realize their influence but their trend setting power is huge among shoppers
Celebrities set the fashion trends. They always have, and fashion trends are catching on faster than in older generations due to the rise of social media.

Young people always want to know more and see more. Beauty secrets revealed by celebrities are a big deal. Celebrity style influence is undoubtedly powerful for today’s youth.

Fashion is art, and art should be admired and shared with the world.

Monday 24 April 2017

Celebrity Impacts on Fashion

Celebrities are everywhere; they are almost an unavoidable part of our life while growing up.
Starting at a young age, we look up to celebrities for many different reasons. For girls, it is usually for the beauty and extravagant style that famous women have.
For boys, it is usually the muscles and keen fashion sense of famous men that they aspire to have.

Celebrities greatly influence fashion choices of the youth because celebrities represent ideal beauty. Style is always changing and young people strive to keep up with the latest fashion trends, they want to look their best, so they look to celebrities in order to achieve that.

Celebrities are trend setters. One example is Uti Nwachukwu, the winner of BigBrother Allstars. He may not necessarily be the greatest inspiration for our youth. His fashion sense is spunky and fun, so I think that is why he appeals to young men.

Award shows like the AMVCA also inspire fashion. After these types of show, magazines and celebrity bloggers typically cover who was the “best dressed” and who was the “worst dressed.” And people pick up style they admire.

Most widespread clothing trends are first seen when celebrities wear them. Example
is nativewear called senator or south-south that former president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan made popular. Every Nigerian man has at least one it in his wardrobe.  

Friday 21 April 2017


Social media has become a part of our globally connected world in multiple ways, and most recently the fashion industry is seeing a major shift in its inspiration for designs and trends, all thanks to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.


Fashion houses now use social media to engage with their fans, but it's in a very controlled way. Social media can also influence fashion designers in unique ways that are changing the way many fashion designers create their fashions.

Another major shift that social media has had is simply that the average person can now influence fashion in ways never before possible.

The naturally interactive qualities of social media also make social media an effective tool, allowing people to be a part of the process of fashion making.

Yet not all the big fashion houses have embraced social media due to concerns over the potential loss of control over their brand image.

So the point is, with social media it’s a brave new world for the fashion industry and retailers

Friday 7 April 2017

How Social Media Has Transformed The Fashion Industry

Social media has totally changed the face of fashion today and the way we shop. The beauty of social sharing sites is that you can be inspired by such a wide range of people, from your friends, bloggers, celebrities and family.

As social media has made fashion and style more accessible than
ever, it drives how we shop and what we wear. 
Fashion news often breaks exclusively via Facebook, twitter, blogs and instagram. This boost of social influence is inspiring people to explore their own personal style and create their own unique looks to share and receive likes and great comments. 

On social media everyone is unique and individual looks are celebrated and shared. Social media platforms enable us to express ourselves freely and showcase our personal style.

Social media has gained relevance that it’s now the number of followers on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter, rather than your experience necessarily, that can secure you a top job.

Any fashion designer can gain audience and even attain relevance with building a social media presence. It’s obvious that, any fashion designer that doesn't have social media behavior is heading towards oblivion state. 

No matter how good the fashion designer may be, he will soon disappear in the industry. The future is in social media. 

Fashion and Social Media

Celebrities shape fashion and influence  fashion trends . Famous people have always shaped fashion trends throughout history and this is st...