Tuesday 20 December 2016

Fashion Help for Men

Wear Your Best
Not many guys have a lot of excuses to wear a suit and tie. Unless for bankers or layers. That’s an outfit that’s mostly reserved for special occasions.
Cultivate the habit of wearing your best clothes. Make it a matter of routine, it’ll take a lot of the time to overcome the mental resistance.
Try to convince yourself that they’re just clothes; clothes that look good on you.
Even day to day errands, there’s no law against being well-dressed at the supermarket. People will just assume you’re coming from some important meeting or other  and probably treat you with a little more respect without even realizing that they’re doing it.

 Keep Your Environment In Mind
A good dresser keeps his environment in mind, both the physical and the social environments.
Different situations call for different clothes. I love my worsted wool suits and my cashmere native wears but they’re not the right choice every time!
Physically, you want to be comfortable. Socially, you want to look respectable at all times.
Make the effort to fit in while looking sharp. That means Tropical native and even Native Jumper when they are appropriate. Just make sure they’re nice, well-tailored with a perfect finishing; well-fitted, in good presentation, and flattering to your body. 

Go for Interchangeable Clothing
Expand your wardrobe with clothes that work together, not standalone pieces.
This is very easy to achieve if you stick to simple, solid colors for most of your base pieces. There’s nothing wrong with a little pattern and texture here and there, but if you make sure that most of your big items aren’t overwhelming on their own, you’re free to liven them up with smaller accents when you want to make the look unique.

Friday 16 December 2016

Fashion Tips To Stay Fashionable

Realistically, if you aren’t drawing the kind of salary that would buy a bespoke suit, an exclusively designers shirts, a classic senator suit or a well-tailored native wear that is trending for men in Nigeria, you’re probably not working in an environment that expects them, either. It also does not mean you cannot look good or fashionable. Let’s find out how! 

Be Yourself
Not to get sappy, but this is the most important rule of all. This is where it all starts. If you don't feel comfortable in something, it will show, and you'll only look worse. By all means, push your boundaries, but always stay true to your tastes.

Be Bold and Be Yourself
Don’t be afraid to be yourself and be different; you need not to wear the trends, but you can be unique. There’s nothing wrong with standing out or being the best dressed man in the circle. Enjoy the attention. Turns out that most regular people assume a man in a sharp senator suit, an exclusive native wear or suit is someone important, and treats him accordingly
It takes getting used to. You may initially feel “overdressed” particularly when you’re the only man wearing an exclusive native wear or a suit as opposed to a shirt or tee shirt.
Learn to embrace it. People may treat you differently, but the differences will be overwhelmingly positive..

Your “Why” is Important
You need to know what you’re doing, and why. Otherwise you just end up looking silly.
Know your why. What is your reason for improving your look? Is it for Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. Whatever your reason is has nothing to do with me but be sure it represent your values and who you are. It’s a good thing. It’ll open doors for you. But you do have to accept and embrace your new role as someone people look to as a leader, especially if you’ve never thought of yourself as one before.

Understand Clothing Fit
Fit is the most important feature in clothes. In your effort to optimally maximize your salary, and look your best. You need to take this rule personally.
Trust me; the most expensive suit in the world isn’t going to look good on you unless it fits your body right. If you don’t have the right fit, everything else is wasted effort.
A good fit should flatter your body. It will draw attention to the parts of you that you want to highlight and it can also minimize aspects you’re not very fond of. Take the time to get to know your body, and have a tailor help you get accurate measurements. Learn to say “no” to clothes with a style you like, but a fit that can’t be adjusted to suit you. It really does matter.

Buy Timeless Clothing
I like this fact “timeless style,” both in my personal life and for others.
Certain looks are always going to be dependable. That’s a goal worth striving for: having clothing that your grandchildren could wear fifty years from now without looking out of place.
I always urge men to focus on pieces that are both classic and associated specifically with men: suits, shirts, Native wears, senator suits, and trousers.
Keep your look timeless and classic, both for your sake and your budget’s.

Thursday 15 December 2016

Five Things Every Celebrity Fashion Slayer Has Done To Look Good

1. Give a Damn.
It all starts here. If you don’t care how you look, you’re never going to look good. You can put on the best clothes in the world and you’ll still look like a kid dressing up for a school play. Attitude is everything, in style and in life. Consider who you are and what you represent.Your profession, business, family, and values.

2. Give Room to New things
The only way you’ll really learn is if you go out there and try new things. Celebrities are always ready to try something completely out of their comfort zone; many times you’ll end up loving something you never thought you would. If you make mistakes, life goes on. This is an important rule for anyone who wants to really understand his clothes, as opposed to just trusting experts to tell him what to wear.

3. Give Your Beards Due Attention
Celebrities are called fashion slayers because; they pay attention to the tiniest details before appearing on the spotlight. Even if your fashion is golden, an unkempt beard can be an attraction killer. Achieve a perfect shave by trying a shave brush your beards.

4. Give Attention to the Fashion ‘Why’
Fashion doesn’t have a lot of fixed yes-or-no rules. And the few that it does have can be broken stylishly and have been broken by celebrities. But you need to know what you’re doing, and why. Otherwise you just end up looking silly.
5. Buy the Best Quality You Can Afford
Celebrities treat clothing like an investment. Learn to do that.  Look for a good return on your money. It’s better to buy one item that lasts ten years than ten that last one. A serious wardrobe requires serious budgeting. You don’t have to be rich, you just have to be realistic.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Fashion Tips to Style Celebrities

1. Fit is Key – The most dramatic key to focus on as a celebrities in your fashion style is to make sure everything fits impeccably. Most guys wear clothes that are too large. Its best to have everything you wear almost hugging the shape of your body but not tight.

2. Keep it simple – As a celebrity, your wardrobe should look great on you. You should know the difference between being a fashion junkie and a trend setter. Don’t wear more than three pieces of jewelry or more than three colors.

3. Stay a notch above – Don’t overdo it to a fault, but dare to take some risks. It’s always better to be a little bit overdressed than underdressed in any setting. This is why I like JimIyke, Uti Nwachukwu and RMD. But make sure you’re not better dressed than someone who is more important in a certain setting, like your boss.

4. Never underestimate the power of details – The last thing on is usually the first thing noticed. So mind the details instead of throwing together the main parts of your outfit. “Details” can include a scarf, a subtle pocket square, or the way you knot your tie.

5. Invest in a superb pair of shoes – If it’s one thing that women will notice, it’s your shoes. Especially how clean and sharp they look. It’s easy to wash and press the rest of your clothes to keep them looking new, but most guys disregard their shoes. Show that you’re a man of taste by getting a great pair of shoes and keeping them in pristine condition.

6. Continually cultivate your image – Invest more time and money into your image. Cultivate your fashion sense. Your style is a huge mode of communication, and is worth caring for as much as you care to eat

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Rules for Men Who Want To Dress Better

Keep Your Measurements
Find a good your tailor, have him take your measurements and keep them for yourself.

This will help when buying clothes, and it will save you money, because better fits means fewer alterations.
Find a Good Laundry Person
A cleaner you can trust is crucial. Knowing your clothes will come back is great but knowing that they will come back better than you left them is even better. Once you have one, never, ever let them go.

Ironing is Important
Ironing is the easiest way to freshen up your clothes and make them look sharp. Knowing how to do this will also save you money, requiring you to get your shirts and suits cleaned and pressed just a little bit less.

Learn the Basics Of Sewing
This is the easiest way to prolong the life of your clothes, and just might save your ass when your jacket or shirt buttons pop off on a business trip. You don't need to know how to do it all, but at least know the basics and be able to help yourself sew a button back on. Try to carry a sewing kit while you travel, it’s even available in most hotels today.

Keep a Shoehorn
Young men often overlook this but a shoehorn is one of the best tools for lengthening the life of your shoes. Stomping down the heels of your shoes tweaks the leather and cracks the structure of your shoe. Plus, it's just sloppy. Instead, get a good shoehorn and slip those shoes on like a gentleman.

Be Sincere About Your Body Shape
Look, you've got to work with what you've got. Be honest with yourself. Knowing that you have a bigger belly, a weak chest, or wide hips will only help you buy the right clothes. And remember, black and navy blue always lengthen and slim the body.

Know Colors That Suit Your Skin Tone
This is a bit trickier, and you may need to seek advice from fashion designers or check some fashion blogs. Navy blue, black, and most shades of gray look good on everyone, but brighter colors can present problems. With warm, dark skin, you can pull off bright oranges, reds, and yellows that would wash out or overwhelm a fairer-skinned man. Cool, lighter skin tones work best with emeralds, blues, and purples. Experiment and ask for advice.

Know the Trends
Even in staid menswear, trends are important. They're just subtler and slower-moving than womenswear. Slim suits are on trend now. Act accordingly, but don't follow trends blindly. The goal here is to build a versatile, high-quality wardrobe that will last a long time. Be wise.

Find Someone You Admire and Learn From Their Style
This is simple, see someone you like and take hints for how to dress yourself. Mine is Dr. Legend; he has a clothing line (Dr. Legend Clothing). He is a menswear idol for a reason, as are Victor Okoro, Yomi Casual and Mudi Africa. But be honest with yourself and only take what you can truly use.

See Above, And Don't Go Nuts.  
Before you leave the house, take a look in the mirror. Men deceive themselves by saying mirror is made for women. Better take advantage of the mirror than be sorry. Be subtle, be classic.

Fashion and Social Media

Celebrities shape fashion and influence  fashion trends . Famous people have always shaped fashion trends throughout history and this is st...